Useful culinary life hacks in your home!


Frozen food
To defrost food as quickly as possible, two methods are usually used: left on a plate in the kitchen or placed in warm water.
But the most effective method is to place the frozen product in a thick-walled metal container.
True, this will only work if your apartment is warm. Then the metal will quickly transfer heat from the air to the frozen product.

Drinks and cocktails
The rim of a glass for the classic Margarita cocktail is usually decorated with salt. To make the drink look more attractive and the taste to reveal itself brighter, you need to moisten the edge of the glass not with water, but with lime juice. Then the salt crystals will stick more tightly to the glass and, when drinking from the glass, you will capture exactly as much salt as is necessary to reveal the taste of the cocktail. If you are going to make the sauce with wine, add this ingredient from the very beginning. If you add wine to the semi-finished sauce, it will not evaporate enough and your dish will be a little “drunk.”

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If you have over-salted the soup, add potatoes to it. They say it will absorb excess salt. However, the reality is that the only thing that will happen is that the potato will also become salty. The only way to fix over-salted soup is to add more water or broth to it.

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Vegetables and fruits
There are many life hacks on how to get the most juice out of a lemon or lime. It is recommended to warm the fruit in the microwave or roll it on the table. The best solution would be to do both. Press the lemon firmly onto the table and roll it around. This will destroy the lemon vacuoles. After this, put the fruit in the microwave. By heating it a little, you will make the fruit softer and be able to squeeze out the maximum amount of juice.

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